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Nature Humaine (amocalypse)
First page abstract 1/3 > First page abstract 2/3 ( version en français)

First version: 16/06/2024
Last version: 02/10/2024

The most important text of your life
First page abstract 2/3

Take your time to read this page, and above all, to understand it properly !

At least go and read the part about the apocalypse in progress, it could save your life !

Most people find it hard to read more than 20 sentences, so I've kept this introduction to a minimum (but there's nothing to stop you reading it over several days). If you feel like it afterwards, you can read the more complete 2/3 sequel.

The disadvantage of this ultra-summarised page is that you may be surprised by the assertions that follow, presented in their raw form, so without proof. So don't hesitate to click on the chapter title, which will take you to the detailed 2/3 version of this page. There, the seemingly bizarre information will be explained, and will then become obvious. Remember that all the sentences you'll read here are scientifically proven.

This short reading will already give you a sufficiently global vision of the future / present / past: when the predicted events occur, you'll certainly regret not having spent another 20 minutes reading the rest, but you'll have the basics to understand, and therefore survive.

If you don't know the meaning of a word, never hesitate to look it up in the glossary or any encyclopaedia. It's the secret between those who succeed, and those who are led by the nose all their lives...

Evidences of the general lie


Good is altruism/equality/cooperation, and evil is selfishness/hierarchism/competition. These are the 2 spiritual paths we've come to experience on this planet-school.

Religion has a luminous side, linking human beings together, like the brothers they are. For it was God's true prophets (Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Mohamed) who laid the foundations.

But religions also have a dark side, which tends to divide people. Because the prophet is always killed by the dominants he upsets, and the books are written by the assassins, not by the assassinated... In these books, the prophet's words are always partly falsified (within the limits of what the mass of followers can accept).

The purpose of this falsification is to prolong the secret worship of ogres (like Moloch), while enabling the obedience of ignorant populations to their dominators. This falsification is a necessary evil, because on a school planet, the proponents of each spiritual path must be able to express themselves. Darkness and light therefore exist side by side in Books.

The time has come to tear out the evil diabolical pages from the Books (Torah/Talmud, Gospels, Koran, etc.), to keep only the divine benevolent pages.


Good is altruism (turned towards others, cooperation/equality), and evil is egoism (turned towards oneself, competition/hierarchism).

We're all just parts of God, the Great Whole (it's no coincidence that galaxies form a neural network). "We're made of God" doesn't mean "we're God", as Luciferians claim.

Satanists want to do evil, to defy the Great Whole.

We reap what we give (law of karmic return). Give good, and you'll get it back a hundredfold. Give evil, and you'll get evil back a hundredfold. Not for revenge, but so that the soul understands the futility of hurting others, who are really you (the Great Whole means everything is linked). You're hurting yourself when you hurt others.

Earth is still, for a few years, a school planet for our species: we're learning to choose the path of good or evil, and many are still undetermined (learning to make the good choice).

Past: Human history

The only Ogre remains is the one-eyed Odin (also known as Enlil, Yaveh or Dajjal), kept in captivity to prevent him from doing any harm.

Spiritual balance must be preserved, which is why divine prophets regularly intervene to relieve the pressure of the tyranny of the dominants.

Present : Apocalypse / Transition

The Elite will unify all the world's religions into a single, selfish one, based on ritual and obedience to a false god.

From the so-called “holy” books, Jesus 2 will remove the pages that advocate egoism, hierarchy, or concern only ogres, and repeat the teaching he dispensed 2000 years ago.

See detailed page (home 2/3)

The part above was ultra-summarized, to give you an overview of past-present-future. If you don't like it, and you can stop there (what happens next will make you understand and regret, but at least you've read the gist).

If you don't like it, you can stop here. What happens next will make you understand and regret, but at least, you've read the gist.

If this page makes sense to you, you can continue reading, in greater depth, in the detailed version.