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First version: 16/06/2024
Last version: 02/10/2024

The most important text of your life
"First page detailled 2/3

anunnaki on Nibiru

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Take your time to read this page, and above all, to understand it properly !

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Evidence of the general lie

The "unexplained" facts (official fakes)

The builders of the pyramids are the false Sumerian gods. The god Enlil / Odin / Yaveh will be used to send his disciples to hell and thus lighten the human race. If you've understood all that, you can skip to the next paragraph (Religions).

Let's take a look at these subversive (and therefore unexplained) facts, in the growing sense of censorship :


Good is altruism / equality / cooperation, and evil is selfishness / hierarchism / competition. These are the 2 spiritual paths we've come to experience on this school planet called Earth. Religion connects human beings as the brothers and sisters they are. Religions are based on the true prophets of God (Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Mohamed), then the prophet is killed by the rulers, and the prophet's words are partly falsified when written on paper by the prophet's assassins. The purpose of this falsification is to prolong the secret worship of the ogres (Moloch) of the rulers, while keeping the ignorant population enslaved. This falsification is a necessary evil, because on a school planet, the proponents of each spiritual path must express themselves. The time has come to tear out the evil diabolical pages from the Books (Torah, Gospels, Koran, etc.), to keep only the divine benevolent pages. If you've understood all that, you can skip to the next paragraph, "Disinformation (conspiracy fakes)".

The original religion served to connect human beings (whether to each other or to the divine), to teach them to love their neighbors as themselves, and to respect everyone. This religion was corrupted by the dominant ones over time. For the original divine beauty of religions to shine forth again, they must first be cleansed of the age-old idolatrous filth that covers them...

Indeed, it's a constant in history: the dominant ones have the true, legitimate humanist prophets killed, the better to rewrite their message. For example :

The falsification of the prophet's words is achieved in particular by reinstating the "musty" Mesopotamian traditions, that the prophet had just annulled: circumcision and the wearing of beards to resemble Sumerian gods, slavery, detestation of women, blind obedience to the powers that be, sacrifices and incense, prohibitions and complicated rituals (imposing a dominant caste to tell us what to do), worship of idols or an old stone (Kaaba), the goddess Ishtar transformed into a 7-branched candlestick when Moïse said that there can only be one God, and so on.

But the true God is patient, tenacious and all-powerful (in a word: loving). Over and over again, legitimate prophets return to the charge, marking their time, gradually undoing our bad habits: Abraham, who annulled human sacrifice. Moses, who forbids the worship of a statue and says that only the great all is a God. Jesus, who said that the great all is everywhere, in each and every one of us (and not in heaven or in a temple). Mohamed, who establishes respect for all humans as part of the great whole, that women are equal to men, that there must be no slaves (hence no interest rates), and forbids idolatry towards humans (including prophets) or false gods (ogres, statues, etc.).

God is no dupe, and knows human failings, and knows that the words of his envoys will be distorted by time, whether intentionally or not: this is why Mohamed predicted the falsification of the Koran, and that Islam would become an empty shell at the end of time, believers having forgotten the basis of the religion: love for all.

The adoration of the Kaaba, the scorn of women, the enslavement of sub-Saharan migrants, clearly show that Mohamed was not mistaken about the success of the Sumerian rulers in perverting Islam right from the start, at the very moment the Koran was written, by directing the first 3 caliphs in the shadows : destruction of the first written versions, massacre of the first imams (loyal to the legitimate successor Ali) who knew the oral Koran by heart, chronological disorder, truncated or even outright falsified suras. .. The meaning of the words of the Koran has been lost over 1,400 years of internal warfare, to the point where several Koranic schools are now arguing over what the text really means (all schools are wrong). Not to mention those who refuse to consider the Sunna, which is so important for learning about the Prophet's deeds (and therefore the deeper meaning of his words), as well as for putting the lost meaning of Quranic phrases back into context.

Mohamed was not fooled about the future of his words: he himself had come to restore the message of Jesus (a message corrupted by the Romans), Jesus himself having come to restore the corruption around Moses, Moses restoring the lost meaning of Abraham, and so on.

If Islam had remained pure, why should Jesus and the Madhi return to put things right ? Why would Jesus' parousia return if any of Christianity had remained intact ? All we have to do, is listen to the true prophets to get the original, unadulterated version of the Gospels and Koran ... provided, of course, we don't confuse them with the many antichrists / Dajjal / Odin who will precede them, and who will also give their version of the Books... It's up to you to choose whether you want selfishness (hence hell) or altruism (hence paradise).

All we need to know, is that :

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