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First page abstract 1/3 > First page abstract 1/3 > First page abstract 3/3 ( version en français)

First version: 16/06/2024
Last version: 02/10/2024

The most important text of your life
First page abstract 3/3

Take your time to read this page, and above all, to understand it properly !

At least go and read the part about the apocalypse in progress, it could save your life !

Most people find it hard to read more than 20 sentences, so I've kept this introduction to a minimum (but there's nothing to stop you reading it over several days). If you feel like it afterwards, you can read the more complete 3/3 sequel.

The disadvantage of this ultra-summarised page is that you may be surprised by the assertions that follow, presented in their raw form, so without proof. So don't hesitate to click on the chapter title, which will take you to the detailed 3/3 version of this page. There, the seemingly bizarre information will be explained, and will then become obvious. Remember that all the sentences you'll read here are scientifically proven.

This short reading will already give you a sufficiently global vision of the future / present / past: when the predicted events occur, you'll certainly regret not having spent another 20 minutes reading the rest, but you'll have the basics to understand, and therefore survive.

If you don't know the meaning of a word, never hesitate to look it up in the glossary or any encyclopaedia. It's the secret between those who succeed, and those who are led by the nose all their lives...

About this website

This website is a compilation of the message transmitted by the Altaïrans (the people from whom Jesus came). But it doesn't matter who speaks, it's the accuracy of the message that counts.

These sources are more than validated by the undisputed success of the predictions given in 1995 : of the greatest scientific discoveries, of the warming of all the planets in the solar system, of the Sun in apparent failure but nevertheless overactive, of the drifting of the magnetic poles, of the increase in earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, storms, meteors, etc.

For 30 years, year after year, their predictions have been borne out. So there's no reason why it should stop there...

Evidences of the general lie

"Unexplained" facts (that the system refuses to explain)

"Unexplained facts" "" doesn't mean that this facts doesn't exist, or that they can't be explained. It just means that these facts, duly noted, we can't/won't know, for the moment, what's causing them!

We're only ignorant because the really interesting facts aren't brought to light: 70% of reality escapes us if we don't read the encyclopedia completely.

The following facts, incredible as they may seem, have long been accepted by science, but are little known to the general public.

Our human science has already proved that : we have an immortal soul, which reincarnates and grows stronger from life to life. We are in the lowest dimension. ETs rule the Earth. The creators of religions and builders of the pyramids (the ogres, Sumerian false gods) come from the planet / comet Nibiru, which passes by the Earth every 3,666 years, ravaging the surface each time (visible in the limestone strata). The ogre Enlil / Odin / Yaveh is still alive, and will take control of the Earth.

Physics of the Universe

By dint of cutting matter into tiny pieces, we come across the indivisible brick of the Universe, the quanta. It's much smaller than the smallest observable element in our reality, the Planck quantum. There is only one type of quanta, with many physical facets, which join together to form corpuscles with properties that depend on the geometry of the assembly. As they aggregate, we end up with the particles we know (like the electron).

Quantum mechanics makes time seem like an aberration : matter flashes, appearing and disappearing from our reality billions of billions of ... times per second.

It is possible to dephase the flashing: the out-of-phase matter appears at the same time as the surrounding matter disappears. The out-of-phase material continues to see its surroundings, but has become invisible to the eyes of the phased. Dephased matter can pass through walls (which offer the resistance of jelly). Ghosts, elementals and ETs passing through walls use temporal dephasing.

Flashing can be accelerated, slowed down or even stopped: the Ephesian sleepers (in the Koran) remained in stasis for 100 years, whereas only an instant elapsed for the matter of their bodies.

By accelerating the flashing, to the point of exceeding the frequency of light (photon wall), we cross (thanks to warping) the quantum threshold that separates dimensions (dims). 2 dimensions are 2 quite separate planes of existence: where a planet exists in dim 1, in the same place in dim 2, there will be nothing. Since physical properties are simpler in the higher dimension (speed of light 25 times ours, no residual hydrogen in space, etc.), interstellar travel and ET observation bases are located there.

There are 7 dimensions, the last one (dim 7) being the one where time and space no longer exist (time flashing has joined quanta time).


The Universe is only interesting by the life it contains.

A DNA nucleus is created in a soup (liquid water). It can do so either on an ocean planet heated by a star, or in the deep waters of the planet's crust, heated by the planet's active core.

This nucleus becomes a cell, then creates children by combining its DNA with other isolated cells.

These cells cooperate to form multi-cellular individuals, with cells specializing in ever more efficient organs.

Like the organism itself, individuals cooperate in societies, in harmony / cooperation with their ecosystem (other species).

Individuals become conscious (aware of possible choices, of their individuality) and experiment with selfishness and altruism. If egoism prevails, they destroy their environment, and realize that only cooperation counts. Society then develops, and life spreads to other planets.


Qi is the brick of the soul. It is the consciousness facet of quanta, and exists in all dimensions.

Attracted by the DNA of life, qi accumulates preferentially in organisms with interesting lives and high consciousness. Its accumulation forms the soul, which exists wherever there is life (plant or animal).

Above a certain density, the soul lights up (makes a quantum leap). It is now dissociated from the group soul, and will live forever as an individual being.

When its body dies, the soul prolongs the earthly experience by incarnating into a fetus whose heart is beating. Without pre-existing soul, the fetal body will create a new soul, which may, or may not, ignite (depending on life's stimuli). With the demographic explosion since 1900, there are 6 billion bodies whose soul is either very young, or in its first incarnation.

The reincarnated soul not only lives its life, but also seeks answers to questions left unanswered in previous lives, or prepares his future lives. This is why the interests of an old soul may seem useless to a young soul.


The soul incarnates itself to experience life, learn to make choices, and manage those choices.

It generally takes 40 years, for the soul, to tame the restive animal it incarnates.

Our consciousness comes from our physical brain, split into 2 parts :

The soul controls all the innervated glands in the body, thanks to its tentacles (the chakras). The soul can access the unconscious, but not the conscious. That's why it expresses itself by making us feel hot, shiver, etc. Meditation (silencing mental agitation to let intuition do the talking) can give consciousness access to the unconscious, and therefore to the soul.

The Council of Worlds (ET on Earth)

Brothers from outer space work on our Earth, of all spiritualities, within the Council of Worlds. The ultra-minority egoists (demons), are trying to steer humanity towards evil, in order to win back as many souls as possible to take into slavery (hell), while the benevolent ETs (angels) are helping us to ascend to a higher dimension (paradize).

Highly evolved souls are in charge of managing clashes between ET groups, and defining rules for intervention or contact with humans (such as not showing up yet).

At the same time, a benevolent ET group, the Zetas, are carrying out a vast program to save our species, which takes priority over everything else (the famous abductions, so unpopular but necessary).

Past: Human history

Over 7 million years ago, benevolent ETs bring a promising primate to consciousness.

5 million years ago, Earth's former dinosaur rulers (the Raksasas) return, and enslave Homo Erectus, transforming him into the limited Homo Habilis, to the point of taking the reptilians for gods. The Raksasas were banished from Earth 3 million years ago.

The Homo Habilis sent to Nibiru mutate, becoming the immortal ogres (angry, cruel bearded creatures 3m tall). The ogres return to Earth 450,000 years ago. They transform Homo Habilis Terrestre into Neanderthal, an obedient slave. Bad conceived, Neanderthal must quickly be transformed into Homo Sapiens by the Zeta, to prevent the extinction of the Homo genus.

Because of their many abuses, the ogres were also banished from Earth in 1640BC, leaving the worst of them in exile on Earth.

Present : Apocalypse / Transition

The Luciferian BRICS will replace the Satanist Khazars (NATO), then Odin will impose a world theocracy, then the ogres of Nibiru will settle on Earth, after having wiped out life on 2 planets, but all these forms of domination will collapse, because we will finally have understood, after having tested all kinds of human or ogre rulers, that the problem simply came from the notion of ruler... We and the Great All are our only masters.

When the majority of Earth's survivors have become 85% altruistic, we'll finally be able to ascend to a higher dimension (Earth 2).

Future : New Earth 2

Rid of the indeterminate and the selfish, Earth 2 will be populated only by people of good will. The ideal society will then be able to function, a strong society whose sole aim is to develop strong individuals, and not to fatten the minority in power.

See detailed page (home 3/3)

The part above was ultra-summarized, to give you an overview of past-present-future. If you don't like it, and you can stop there (what happens next will make you understand and regret, but at least you've read the gist).

If you don't like it, you can stop here. What happens next will make you understand and regret, but at least, you've read the gist.

If this page makes sense to you, you can continue reading, in greater depth, in the detailed version.