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First version: 16/06/2024
Last version: 02/10/2024

The most important text of your life
"First page detailled 3/3

anunnaki on Nibiru

This page should be read after the home page abstract 2/3.

Take your time to read this page, and above all, to understand it properly !

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About this website

This site is a compilation of the message transmitted by the Altaïrans (the people from whom Jesus came): a message of high knowledge and great wisdom. As I'm engineer, I have of course scientifically validated this message, both in terms of the predictions announced (all of which have come true since 1995 - the future has indeed proved the past) and in terms of putting all our knowledge in order (whether it's our past, or the problems on which our science is stumbling).

The message of the Altaïrans, similar to but less censored by MJ12 than that of Nancy Lieder's Zetas, is validated by the undisputed success of the Zetatalk predictions since 1995, who were the first to announce the accelerated expansion of the Universe, the warming of temperatures throughout the solar system, the failing sunspots, the accelerated drift of the magnetic poles, the exponential increase in record-breaking natural cataclysms (earthquakes, volcanism, tsunamis, storms, meteors, etc.), the abrupt variations in temperatures, and the rapid expansion of the solar system. ), sudden variations in temperature, etc. Phenomena deemed impossible in 1995, but whose inexorable sequence since 1996 shows that there's no reason why predictions shouldn't continue to follow one another in reality, right up to the final apotheosis.

Evidence of the general lie

The "unexplained" facts (official fakes)

We have an immortal soul that reincarnates and grows stronger from life to life. We are in the lowest dimension. ETs have ruled the Earth since its creation. If you've understood all that, you can skip to the next paragraph (Religions).

Let's take a look at these subversive (and therefore unexplained) facts, in the growing sense of censorship :

Physics of the Universe

ETs give us a general description of the main physical principles of the universe.

Quanta (building blocks of the Universe)

Unbreakable particle

The quanta is the unitary energy/particle (smallest possible unbreakable element). Whatever the physical aspect considered (energy, distance, time, force, etc.), we can't move a step less than a quantum (quantity of something).

Quantum mechanics say that we "exist" only once every billionth of a second, without knowing what happens in between (this is the twinkle / flash / wink). We teleport from one billionth of a millimeter to another billionth of a millimeter, without knowing what lies between these 2 positions. Energy can only vary by one billionth of a Joule, no half-billionth of a Joule is possible.

Nothing is continuous, everything happens by leaps and bounds. This implies that things cannot be divided ad infinitum, because after a great many cuts, we end up with an unbreakable hard grain, the famous unbreakable quanta.

Wave or corpuscle

The wave-corpuscle duality shows that energy and matter are equal (E=Mc², with one transforming into the other).

Things can therefore be seen from a vibratory point of view (higher energy means particles moving faster), but also from a corpuscular point of view (higher energy means more particles of a given type in the same space, meaning less vibrational distance, more round trips for the same speed of movement, and therefore higher vibrational frequency).

The quanta is therefore both the unbreakable unit of energy and the primordial corpuscle.


There's only one type of quantum (no magnetism or electricity quanta). The quanta (and its assemblies, i.e. the corpuscles) has many facets within it (such as energy, matter, consciousness, etc.). Each quanta has several faces, each with different physical properties and behaviors.

For assemblies, it's which facet faces outwards that primarily determines the physical characteristics of the assembly.

Successive assemblies

Quantas aggregate with each other (in a strongly bound manner, i.e. it will take a lot of energy to break up the aggregate). In this way, they form larger and larger aggregates :

As they aggregate and grow, the quanta reaches quantum size (the smallest observable element in our dimension, now measured at 10-35 m). We then move on, in successive aggregations, to particles (electrons), then atoms, molecules, planetary systems, galaxies and so on. Successive aggregates !

To give you an idea of the physics we have yet to discover, a quanta next to an electron is like a tiny grain of sand next to the Eiffel Tower.


Matter twinkles

This is what most disturbed quantum mechanics: atoms appear and disappear regularly, synchronized with matter's local clock. This clock (temporal vibration) interacts with the local graviton density (time passes more slowly in the cellar than at the top of the building). A whole part of reality escapes us.

Only aggregates strictly greater than 1 seem to be linked to this flickering, like a lighthouse: when the lighthouse beam is not directed at us, matter no longer exists in our reality.

Movements are jerky: our reality is no more than a succession of frozen images, which, projected one after the other in rapid succession, give the illusion of a reality in continuous flux.

Time is therefore a wave. It must therefore be possible to change its phase (the instant at which it goes to 0) and its frequency (how often it twinkles / flashes).

Time shifting

It's possible to be out of phase / out of sync with the local clock (existing only for the period of time when the atoms of matter are switched off).

2 objects can then coexist in the same space, because they don't occupy that space at the time: out-of-phase atoms don't come into contact with phased atoms.

Between phased and dephased objects, the separation is not straightforward: the dephased still sees the phased and its environment, and while the dephased can pass through walls, the latter retain a certain consistency (it's like passing through jelly, according to the experimenters).

Out-of-phase explains ghosts, ETs passing through walls and elementals (sensed but not seen), as they are in the same dimension as us. And also the so-called Philadelphia experiment, where sailors got stuck in walls during accidental rephasing.

Time acceleration

Once out of phase, matter can be made to twinkle faster (or slower). In this way, lost hikers take just 4 hours to reappear unharmed to rescuers who have searched for them in vain, without seeing them, for 4 days.

Temporal stasis

These are the Ephesian sleepers cited by Mohamed, who remain "asleep" in a cave for over 100 years. In reality, their atoms stop flickering (the 100 years last for them only an instant), but the matter around them continues to flicker.

Warping: switching dimensions (dims)

Overcoming the photon wall

If we accelerate the temporal frequency of atoms to the point where they exceed the frequency of light (the photon wall), we tip over into another reality, a higher dimension (called "dim" to distinguish it from the other meanings of the word). The dim jump is called warping.

The differences between dimensions

These are like layers of existence superimposed on one another, in the same place in space.

These dims (or "planes of existence") are quite distinct from one another: where a planet is in dim 1, there may be nothing in dim 2.

Ascending increases the temporal frequency of atoms (they "twinkle" faster), falling dim decreases temporal frequency. We receive energy from higher dimensions, and lower vibrations take it from us, as cold takes heat from hot.

In dim 2, space-time is dilated (by 10 times?), and the speed of light is 25 times faster than ours.

There are different strata of dims, each well separated from the other by the quantum threshold of the photon wall. Dims are therefore simply ranges of temporal frequencies :

This is why light seems capped to us: as soon as it exceeds the speed c, it disappears from our dimension.

Releasing binding energies

The lower the dims, the stronger the bonds between quantas, engulfing and gelling matter. The higher the dims, the less energy is needed to live (the lion is less hungry and lives alongside the gazelle). The laws of physics remain the same, but the dilated space-time allows weaker physical forces (therefore stifled in low dim) to express themselves freely: gravity is lighter, ageing slower, etc.

Dim 7

With increasing temporal frequency, matter ends up twinkling so fast that it stays lit all the time (once the minimum quanta time has been reached).

Dim 7 is the highest dimension, but as everything is circular, it could have been called dim 0. This is the dim where time and space no longer exist.

Quanta and aggregate-1 are present in all dimensions at once: this is the signal carrier, the basic matter.

The "fall" of energy / matter

This is when the pure energy of dim 7 condenses, falling into dim 1 as low-energy/low-frequency matter. This happens in mega-stars that swallow up the local universe to recycle matter before a new expansion phase.


The Universe is only interesting for the life it contains.

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