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Nature Humaine (amocalypse)
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First version: 16/06/2024
Last version: 16/06/2024

The most important text of your life
First page detailled 1/3

anunnaki on Nibiru

This page should be read after the home page summary 1/3.

Take your time to read this page, and above all, to understand it properly !

It doesn't matter if you don't understand everything on the first reading of this page (very summarized text): once you've read the whole page, click on the titles to go to the sub-pages (french only, use Web browser translate) detailing the subject you're interested in.

Evidence of the general lie

Where do you get ALL your knowledge from ?

Government / media / books / schools / science are all controlled by a single handful of individuals who lie to us and wish us harm. If you understand that, you can skip to the next paragraph (a corrupt system).

We were born into a cult, falsely named "démocracy" !!!

"THEY" (the system, i.e. school / media / politics / religion / science / our loved ones / ourselves), have always :

The system has been in place for thousands of years, and is the basis of all civilizations, even those that present themselves as competitors (even though the 2 presi-kings are cousins). The system has thus manipulated all our ancestors (parents, grandparents, etc.), all our previous incarnations, all our loved ones, and even myself is conditioned to lie to myself: everyone around us tells us the same thing (TV, radio, newspapers, colleagues, family, advertising, etc.), reinforcing the false beliefs hammered into our head from our mother's womb.

Our beliefs and knowledge have been inculcated by others, and these others are not acting in good faith.

The big problem is that all this information that builds us up, even if it seems to come from a multitude of sources, in reality comes from just one source, the system... i.e. a dozen of stateless ultra-rich people, who own all the media, and have had their chosen presi-king elected.

Those who control the system control the world...

It's vital to understand that the entire system is owned by a minority of selfish, unscrupulous humans. That we are slaves who realize the dirty dreams of these dominants, instead of realizing our own dreams and those of a just community taking care of all.

Worse still, these dominants want neither our good nor our liberation... We let other people decide for us what we should believe...

In the sub-page Proof of the lie, I use only verified evidence: scientific publications, rigorous surveys with thousands of reliable witnesses, and so on.

You'll be amazed at what THEY have managed to hide from us! The information was there, accessible to all, but scattered in thousands of complicated newspapers, millions of books that we don't have time to read, because the system only puts in front of us the billions of books and magazines that are easier to access and read (a colorful celebrity magazine is easier to read than the obscure "The Economist").

Yet, all we had to do was link the validated facts together, facts that had long been recognized.
Recognized facts, but little known... by the general public at least...

Here's what THEY didn't tell you on TV :

A corrupt system

30% of the knowledge coming from the system is false. But our ignorance is mainly obtained by hiding all the really interesting facts (70% of reality). THEY (the dominants of the system) are almost all rotten, but you should never put someone on trial without proof. If you've understood all that, you can skip to the next paragraph (The "unexplained" facts (official fakes)).

The system is corrupt. We're all aware of it, but the implications are so far-reaching that we're afraid to look it in the face, and see the big picture... We've been asleep until now, but the time has come to wake up.

Waking up, means understanding (and accepting deep down) the following :

The "unexplained" facts (official fakes)

The planet Nibiru passes by every 3,666 years, ravaging its surface. If you've understood that, you can skip to the next paragraph (Religions).

"Something unexplained" doesn't mean that it doesn't exist, or that it can't be explained !

Everyone has a thirst for knowledge, the dominant ones even more than the others : being one step ahead (of official human knowledge) makes it easier to manipulate the populations under their control. So if a fact remains officially unexplained, in 90% of cases, it's because the answer is already known to the minority in power.

For example : soda or cigarette brands, will stifle the disclosure of scientific studies on the subliminal images (or messages) they put in their ads (which act on the unconscious, forcing the individual to buy a product, even though he knows is harmful to his health). Instead, these billionaires finance studies :

Where no one obeys, no one commands : if certain subversive truths were known, the ultra-rich, today all-powerful, would become the simple imperfect humans they have never ceased to be, disarmed in the face of awakened, informed and united fellow citizens, who have become impervious to the scams, rhetoric and other mental manipulations of the system.

Let's take a look at these subversive (and therefore unexplained) facts, in the growing sense of censorship :

Disinformation (conspiracy fakes)

The dominants are not idiots, but corrupt. They know that the lies they get TV to tell are so huge that inevitably slaves will wake up, and get their information elsewhere. The ruling classes fund TV just as much as the conspiracy theorists, who can be seen talking nonsense (such as Haarp, Flat Earth, DEW, the Matrix, etc.). These far-fetched theories are promoted by the dominants to keep us docile and away from really useful knowledge (Nibiru). If you've understood all that, you can skip to the next paragraph, "Physics of the Universe".

A rude awakening: all our beliefs collapse

The system lies to us (by entertaining, misinforming and hiding). The System wish us harm. When we finally understand this (profoundly), our whole system of values and beliefs collapses. Stunned by this discovery, our first reflex is to replace old beliefs with new ones as quickly as possible, no matter how true the old beliefs were, no matter how false the new ones are.

With our eyes still engulfed in sleep, it's just after waking up that we're at our most fragile. A bit like the 16-year-old who thinks he's already seen it all, experienced it all, understood it all, and will fall, through overconfidence, into all the traps of life.

The first mistake, made by a newcomer to reinformation, is to continue to swallow everything that comes along, without taking the time to analyze the logical coherence of the discourse, to cross-check the information, to verify whether it corresponds to the reality observed. Since he's still in a state of disarray, anything seems possible, especially when faced with the immensity of the reality that was previously hidden from him. Too much information kills information, he doesn't know which way to turn, and the brain gives up in the early stages. The beginner keeps his confidence in strangers: he used to give his confidence without thinking to TV, now he gives it, still without thinking, to all those who criticize TV (his former idol).

Yet most of our beliefs were true.

Disinformation means mixing a maximum of 30% falsehood with 70% truth. If the "nonsense" exceeds 40%, humans aren't idiots, so they'll see through the scam. It's the same principle as when you give poison to rats, you cover it with a nice appetizing material.

30% lies? Not necessarily: the system doesn't really need to lie, it just needs to hide the inconvenient reality. The erroneous conclusions we forge from this partial reality are self-evident, and the media don't need to formalize them for us to accept erroneous beliefs deep down.

The mistake the newly awakened make, is throwing the baby out with the bathwater: questioning all our previous beliefs, even the 70% that are true.
It's a healthy reflex in the first place (where's the 30% false ? Where are the 70% that are true ? The only way to find out, is to go back to the drawing board, to re-analyze everything).
But who has the time, ability and knowledge to really check everything ? My case is really ultra-particular: I had multi-disciplinary scientific skills and knowledge when I woke up (general engineer, ghost vision, etc.), as well as time-saving synchronicities / divine help (first-time access to the world's best re-informer - couldn't have found a better one after 10 years of intensive research), as well as time (no children, owner of a ruin and savings from a lifetime of pittance which enabled me to stop working, not take any benefits, and live even more like a tramp), not to mention the benevolent support of loved ones and iron health (thank you, Life). This leads to a demanding, exhausting and inglorious monastic life, entirely dedicated to knowledge, an ultra-minority vocation that I wouldn't recommend to anyone !

Virtually no one has the opportunity to check everything. That's how we all fall for all the wacky Flat Earth-style theories, because while 70% of our knowledge is true, it's incomplete and ill-founded, because it's all based on the argument of authority "Because your teacher says so". A necessity of the slavery system, where slaves must never be taught to think critically, to question arguments of authority, to ask to explain arguments, even when they come from a man in a white coat.

Our beliefs, which were so powerful when we were asleep, are overturned at the slightest breath of wind once we're awake. Most sleeping globalists can't explain, from everyday observations, why it's impossible for the Earth to be flat, and why it can only be round and spinning on itself. But they will stubbornly maintain that the Earth is a globe, without knowing why, having unshakeable faith in the system. Paradoxically, the platists have more knowledge than the sleeping globists, but have retained their old automatisms: they will stubbornly support their new belief, sitting on 2-3 facts that they themselves are unable to explain, refusing to listen to anything that comes from their former teachers (real teenagers in rebellion against their parents!).

We don't know where and how to look

So the system has conditioned us to believe in nonsense, whether it's the necessity of debt or flat Earth. But why do we first come across these idiotic theories after waking up ?

Because once we've woken up, for the first time in our lives, we're going to try and find out for ourselves: a complicated thing that the system has been careful not to give us the keys to. So we're bound to make mistakes at first.

The classic mistake of the novice truth-seeker is to do what we did before :

Information is a serious matter, requiring investigative work, rigorous methods (analysis, cross-checking, verification) and intuition. Today, the profession of journalist has disappeared, because there is no public organization, independent of any power or lobby, that manages human knowledge (which is the basis of any democracy, normally). All we have now are entertainment presenters, or journalists who pretend not to understand what's going on, or fake wiki encyclopedias that censor all subversive information. Journalists find themselves unemployed on the Internet (that's citizen reinformation), where they are invisibilized by the system, placed below a Chinese AI making a bogus video about flat Earth. You're 1 million times more likely to come across "nuclear power is not dangerous" than serious, honest, competent and well-informed journalists..

Disinformers sabotage reinformation

The system sends out disinformers to propagate zany theories to put the awakened back to sleep, and invisibilize reinformers who are dangerous to the system. My site is still accessible by typing the address directly, but Gogole will never suggest it to someone who doesn't already know my work.

The "gondola head" disinformers (those who appear on the 1st or 2nd page of Gogole) are branches of CNN (also paid for by the CNN bosses), a sort of after-sales service for the disgruntled.

Also featured are the volunteer useful idiots who, having fallen into the trap of the first disinformers, in turn repeat the words of the gondola heads. The disinformers are very good at pushing the open doors we already know ("the dominants are very, very evil"), but instead of nourishing our knowledge and reflections, they take us to the flat Earth. The disinformers keep us captive on Haarp. In the end, it's years of entertainment, but we miss out on the really interesting facts that are essential if we are to fully understand the issues of our time.

How do disinformers manipulate us ?

The platists just fail to tell us ALL the facts (as the system itself does: the acorn doesn't fall far from the oak tree....). For example, they don't give you an explanation of the phenomena proposed by the globalists, systematically forgetting to mention the facts that make a flat Earth impossible (such as the Sun keeping the same size all day long and disappearing behind the roundness of the ocean, the stars turning in opposite directions depending on the hemisphere, the Moon's inclination varying during the night, etc.). When we have only a partial and biased view of things, we deduce the wrong conclusions... CNN knew very well how to exploit this bias, so we shouldn't be surprised if their platist friends do too...

So it's by not knowing the basic scientific principle of listening to others (studying the arguments of both sides, to determine which version holds water) that we stay in one camp and lock ourselves into false beliefs, subject to an all-powerful master who asserts truths without proving them. Internet algorithms encourage this confinement in a bubble of belief, offering us the opportunity to exchange views only with platists, haarpists, wokists, sovereignists and so on.

Why misinform ?

We have the right to understand the obvious, which we already know. So headline disinformation will give all you want about 'all rotten', 'they want to put us into slavery', we need to go back to royalism', and so on.

But we're not allowed to find out why THEY are all rotten, why they want a totalitarian state... We're not allowed to reveal that they're going to take advantage of Nibiru to drag us into atheism and selfishness, and put their god Satan in control of a society of slaves who think they're free.

That's why disinformation throws true and false information at us, but only useless information that doesn't challenge the system.

The means of disinformation

There are many:

The disinformers

These are :

Disinformation adapts to what we already know

Analysis algorithms can adapt to the type of audience to be deceived, putting forward the most suitable disinformation to delay its understanding.

Entry-level misinformers

Any new awakener is bound to fall into their trap, as the videos are so well done in terms of psychological bamboozling. They never mention Nibiru, and either talk about zany theories, or ask us to wait quietly on a sofa for the "luminaries" to win, for the ultra-rich caste (the ones who create the problems) to bring us THEIR solutions. Apart from advising us on which brand of popcorn to buy, there's nothing on how to recognize wild edible plants, or how to prevent Macron from regaining control of survival groups by once again bamboozling people with little knowledge of rhetorical traps.

To help you leave these low-grade disinformers behind, I'm debunking the biggest theories, and those with time to spare will get all the explanations in the sub-page :

School taught us 70% of what's true, so let's concentrate on finding and erasing the 30% that isn't true, rather than reinventing hot water every time and rediscovering that the Earth is a globe... Let's worry instead about all the things school didn't have time to tell us...

Mid-range misinformers

Once we've discovered Nibiru, the algorithms push you towards Satanist theories, which aim to lose our souls and do nothing :

These theories forget to remind us that the only thing that's primordial is not to go inward and egocentrically navel-gaze, but rather to open up to others: cooperation, sharing, love of all, etc.

Top-of-the-range disinformation

When you discover Odin, you're blocked by the big boys :


We've seen that the system has always lied to us, and that superhuman beings are there to restore truth to humanity.

Now let's see what that truth is, to better understand the environment we're evolving in, and why.


Where we've gone wrong

Cosmologists have reached a dead end (their current model shows the Universe compressing, but in reality it does the opposite).

When you drop an object, it falls to the ground. That's Gravitation. Our science mistakenly believes that the ground attracts the object, whereas in reality, it's the mass of the Universe that pushes the object towards the ground. This is because gravitation is repulsive (masses repel each other). This is why the expansion of the Universe is accelerating.

Pushed or attracted, the result is the same for us small bodies: Newton's equations remain valid at the Earth scale. But interstellar travel is much simpler and faster than our scientists think !

Repulsive gravity explains Titius-Bode's misunderstood law that there are stable gravitational rails around large bodies. The orbits of the planets are such rails around our Sun, just as the Moon is on a rail around the Earth.

Repulsive gravity also explains why the largest bodies are farthest from their attractors. This is why the most massive planets in our planetary system are those furthest from the Sun. Which is in line with observation. Whereas our official model had to lie, in the face of aberrant calculation results, and claim that the largest observable planets are also the lightest (i.e. gaseous). Surprisingly, all the satellites that would have revealed the deception have failed...

Another aberration of the current model is why the Sun is one of the only stars without companion stars...

The reality

Our solar system is in fact a very classic stellar system, with three original stars: 1 yellow dwarf (Sun) + 2 brown dwarfs (Nemesis and Persephone). Our solar system formed like the others, 10 to 12 billion years ago.
7 billion years ago, Persephone, on the current orbit of the asteroid belt (between Mars and Jupiter), torn apart by the giant masses and magnetism of Jupiter and the Sun, ends up forming a small bulge, which eventually separates from Persephone. Persephone breaks up, and the result is 2 large planets, Nibiru (the bulk of Persephone) and Tiamat (the bulge). Nibiru is a super-Earth (mini brown dwarf) by today's standards. After the break-up, Nibiru is ejected from its original orbit, and begins orbiting the 2 remaining stars (Sun and Nemesis). The debris from this dislocation forms the first asteroid belt (giving rise to the 7-billion-year-old meteorites found on Earth, which pose such a problem for those who believe that the solar system is as old as the Earth, i.e. 5 billion years).

So where did our Earth-Moon system come from ?

2 billion years after Persephone's first break-up, Tiamat (Persephone's bulge) also broke up into 2 unequal parts (the Moon being the bulge this time), giving rise to the Earth-Moon system, ejected into a lower, more stable orbit (the one we see today). The debris resulting from this 2nd break-up is 5-billion-year-old meteorites, rich in water and DNA fragments: life had indeed developed spontaneously on Tiamat, an oceanic planet.

Nibiru, whose orbit passes every 3,666 years over the starting point (that of Persephone's 1st sission), causes major upheavals on the other nearby magnetic planets (Sun, Earth, Jupiter) each time it re-enters the solar system, not to mention the asteroids it deflects from the main belt (creating new comets and meteorites - here again, the multiple Oort clouds, which nobody has ever found, are a pure invention...).

When Nibiru passes close to the Earth, the crust is tilted relative to the core, a destructive tilt for surface life.

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